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Table of Contents

How to execute an OAuth API Authentication


To execute this procedure, you should first guarantee that the client service setup is completed (

In his walk through we will be referring to the following example, where the client service alias is PRT.505767457-PRT.111222333-e064c8c0-32ad-4dcf-9a76-f7542a5bae15 and the defined client service is test_123_Test_456_!!!

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  1. generate the base64 of the string relative to <client service alias>:<client service password>. In our example it would be PRT.505767457-PRT.111222333-e064c8c0-32ad-4dcf-9a76-f7542a5bae15:test_123_Test_456_!!! (please note the colon sign “:”).

    1. Example using will produce the encoded base64 credential string UFJULjUwNTc2NzQ1Ny1QUlQuMTExMjIyMzMzLWUwNjRjOGMwLTMyYWQtNGRjZi05YTc2LWY3NTQyYTViYWUxNTp0ZXN0XzEyM19UZXN0XzQ1Nl8hISE=

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  2. Authenticate your client service with the base64 credential string

    1. Example using curl command (linux command line )

      Code Block
      # Input Command
      curl --insecure -v -X POST -d "grant_type=client_credentials" -H "Authorization: Basic UFJULjUwNTc2NzQ1Ny1QUlQuMTExMjIyMzMzLWUwNjRjOGMwLTMyYWQtNGRjZi05YTc2LWY3NTQyYTViYWUxNTp0ZXN0XzEyM19UZXN0XzQ1Nl8hISE="
      # Output Response from service
      {"access_token":"eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOb24td3MiXSwic2NvcGUiOlsicmVhZCIsIndyaXRlIl0sImV4cCI6MTY1NjQyMTk4OCwianRpIjoiaU1IRWdrTUhySlc1MmVvdDZyaVlxN1gyUWdBIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiUFJULjUwNTc2NzQ1Ny1QUlQuMTExMjIyMzMzLWEwZjViOGIwLTk3OGUtNDUwMy04OTU4LTZmZTBjYzAyNmZhMCJ9.OfeSMcsHgnFak3fl1I31reu6f8evrVceYa_LA4YeJrsDkHJMiZfie0KnSflteWVYsTvydqteBZC7fd8mPxslIvzn20fwYvCp8OpnBCV0oYEnLuyfYbTmgJltHho7XenLTZXPa3WVQmvh7Jp9WJQWID7iH6qruZOX2iHBNLwNuLGr6R9jv9k7Vy78tjqjm0LlT6KUL41UehWr3hakMSUOlLk8PQIvmsm8MzzQBnFtPre3bsFxXbimg7s-EuzO4JxOFHO9cw2132kV1Q","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":86399,"scope":"read write","jti":"iMHEgkMHrJW52eot6rgA"}
  3. At this point you have successfully retrieved an access token to be used in the API business calls, and that will be expired in 86399 seconds (~24h)

Authenticating using Swagger UI

Instead of using the curl command for authenticating, this section describes the usage of Swagger UI available in .


  1. Access Swagger GUI Authentication API in staging environment (see location here

  2. Select option “Authorize”:

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  3. Insert the client service alias and the defined client service secret and press “Authorize”. We’ll use the defined information stated in the beggining of this article.

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  4. Access the detail of /oauth/token API function, and select “Try it out” option.

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  5. Select “Execute” to perform a test call to authentication API.

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  6. A response with a valid access token is returned from the authentication server.

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