Signatures Management

Signatures Management

The backoffice service allows the signature of documents in the PDF format, without integration via API.

This functionality is only available for Issuers, Partner and Administrator operators.

How to sign documents

Once you have logged in the backoffice service with your operator account, access the “Signatures” option on the left side menu.


For operators of the Partner or Administrator type, you need to filter the Issuer for soon after selecting the Client Service you want to use to sign the documents.



Your operator can upload the documents you want to sign by clicking or dragging and dropping the files onto the dashed area.

It is allowed to sign a maximum of 20 documents in PDF format per request, not exceeding the limit of 3Mb.



Before signing the documents, the operator can remove a specific document by clicking the trash icon button or restart the file upload process by removing all documents by clicking the "Remove all" button.


Document signature result

After completing the signature process, you will be redirected to a result page. Your operator can check the operation details and dowload a specific document by clicking the download icon button, or download entire document in the ZIP format by clicking the “Dowload All” button.