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Version | Old Version 3 | New Version 4 |
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Table of Contents | ||
Note |
This section focuses on the procedure to integrate the Sign’Stash Proxy Client as a JAR or Maven dependency in a Java client application. If you already integrated with Sign’Stash Proxy Client via REST API, please ignore this section. |
Sign’Stash Proxy Client as a Dependency
To integrate the Proxy Client component in your Java client product or application, you must add the following Maven dependency in your project’s pom.xml file:
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<dependency> <groupId>com.must.einvoice</groupId> <artifactId>einvoice-integration-client</artifactId> <version>1.0.0+b12</version> </dependency> |
To use the component functionalities it is first required to initialize a signature service named HashSignatureService. The initialization operation will generate an instance of the service ready to use.
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HashSignatureService hashSignatureService = new SignatureService().initialize(); |
Documents Signing
To request the application of digital signatures on a set of documents. you need to use the method signDocumentHash from HashSignatureService. The following code snippet presents its method signature.
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public interface HashSignatureService{ SignOperation signDocumentHash(BaseSignRequest<BinaryDocument> signRequest, String token) throws UnexpectedException, ExternalReferenceAlreadyExistsException, IntegrationRequestException InvalidVisibleSignatureConfigurationException, InvalidSignatureContentConfigurationException; } |
1. Inputs
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
signRequest | REQUIRED | BaseSignRequest<BinaryDocument> | Details about the signature request. |
token | REQUIRED | String | Access token required to invoke Sign’Stash API (einvoice-integration-ws). This token is obtained from the OAuth2 server as explained in the previous section. |
BaseSignRequest<BinaryDocument> Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
description | REQUIRED | String | Contextualization of the request. This information will be presented to signers, if applicable. |
documents | REQUIRED | Array of SignDocument<BinaryDocument> | Details about the document list to sign. |
externalReference | REQUIRED | String | Unique external reference id set by the client service. A good approach is to have the service client id prefixed to the external reference to avoid collisions with other external references already registered in the system. |
SignDocument<BinaryDocument> Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
documentRequest | REQUIRED | BinaryDocument | Details about the a document with its content in binary format. |
signatureInfo | REQUIRED | SignatureInfo | Information attributes for the signature to be created on the documentRequest. |
BinaryDocument Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
binaryContent | REQUIRED | Array of byte | Document content in binary format. |
contentType | REQUIRED | String | Content type of the document. |
externalReference | REQUIRED | String | Unique external reference id set by the client service. A good approach is to have the service client id prefixed to the external reference to avoid collisions with other external references already registered in the system. |
name | REQUIRED | String | Name of the document. |
SignatureInfo Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
applyTimestamp | OPTIONAL | boolean | Will apply timestamp to signature. Will use the default system timestamp server. |
location | OPTIONAL | String | Signature location (free text) to be set on document metadata. Support is restricted to PAdES based signature types. |
reason | OPTIONAL | String | Signature reason (free text) to be set on document metadata. Support is restricted to PAdES based signature types. |
signatureType | REQUIRED | String | Signature profile to be applied. Available profiles:
visibleSignatureInfo | OPTIONAL | VisibleSignatureInfo | Visible information to be applied upon signature creation. Support is restricted to PAdES based signature types. |
VisibleSignatureInfo Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
area | OPTIONAL | String | Area of the signature canvas. If not set will default to system settings. Example: width=200,height=400 |
font | OPTIONAL | String | Font style of the signature text. If not set will default to system settings. Example: color=#ea9dd3,size=11 |
locationType | REQUIRED | String | States which type of location strategy will be used to pinpoint the location where the lower left point of the signature canvas will begin to be drawn. Available strategies:
locationValue | REQUIRED | String | Location value for the appropriate locationType defined. Example: page=1,x=100,y=200 |
oneOffTemplate | OPTIONAL | String | If templateType=ONE_OFF, then a velocity template value format must be set here. Example: Digitally Signed by $certificate.getCommonName(). |
templateType | OPTIONAL | String | States the type of signature creation template to be used. If not set, will first try to use service issuer template. As a final fallback will use system default template: Available types of templates:
Example: ONE_OFF |
2. Outputs
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
signOperation | REQUIRED | SignOperation | An object containing the supplied documents digitally signed and the informations about the signature operation. |
SignOperation Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
creationDate | OPTIONAL | String | Operation registry date. |
deliveryInfo | OPTIONAL | DeliveryInfo | Information attributes for the delivery of the documentRequest to a third Party. |
documentList | OPTIONAL | Array of DocumentResponse | List of documents of the operation and aggregated in the defined folder. |
folder | OPTIONAL | Folder | Folder that holds all the documents handled on a given request. |
id | REQUIRED | integer | Operation unique id. |
issuerClientServiceAlias | OPTIONAL | String | Issuer client service that created the operation. |
issuerCompany | OPTIONAL | Company | Issuer Company id and basic info. |
status | OPTIONAL | String | Operation status:
type | OPTIONAL | String | Operation type:
DocumentResponse Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
additionalContentLength | OPTIONAL | integer | Additional original/pre-signature content length in bytes that exceeded the subscribed service limit. |
cipherStatus | OPTIONAL | String | Status of the cipher action (if requested). |
contentLength | OPTIONAL | integer | Content length in bytes of the original/pre-signature content. |
contentType | REQUIRED | String | Content type of the document. Example: application/pdf |
externalReference | REQUIRED | String | Unique external reference id set by the client service. A good approach is to have the service client id prefixed to the external reference to avoid collisions with other external references already registered in the system. |
internalId | OPTIONAL | integer | Internal Id of the document in the Sign’Stash system. |
name | REQUIRED | String | Name of the document. |
receptionDate | OPTIONAL | String | Instant when the document was received in the system. |
signError | OPTIONAL | String | Error code of the signature error if it occurred. |
signStatus | OPTIONAL | String | Status of the signature action:
signedContent | OPTIONAL | String | Signed content, encoded in base 64 format, of the original document. |
storageEndDate | OPTIONAL | String | Instant until when the the document will be stored in the system. |
storagePeriod | OPTIONAL | String | Period length (in months) to when the document will be stored. Storage date limit is computed with receptionData + storagePeriod. |
storageStatus | OPTIONAL | String | Status of the storage action (if requested). |
Folder Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
description | OPTIONAL | String | Folder description information. |
externalReference | OPTIONAL | String | Folder external reference as submitted by the client service. |
folderContent | OPTIONAL | String | Folder content type:
folderId | OPTIONAL | String | Folder unique id that holds all the documents handled on a given request. |
Company Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
additionalInfo | OPTIONAL | String | Additional information on the company. |
auditLogsActive | OPTIONAL | boolean | Audit logs activation status of the company. |
countryCode | REQUIRED | String | Country code in ISO 3166 Alpha 3 format where the VAT number of the company was issued (full country list available on |
creationDate | OPTIONAL | String | The company registry date. |
OPTIONAL | String | The company e-mail. Will serve for contact purposes. | |
i18nCode | REQUIRED | String | i18n locale code of the language configured for the company. |
invoiceAddress | OPTIONAL | String | Company address to where the invoice with the service consumptions will be issued. |
name | REQUIRED | String | Name of the company. |
status | OPTIONAL | String | Status of the company:
vatNumber | REQUIRED | String | VAT Number of the company. |
The fields non-related with the digital signature of the documents hashes - such as delivery, storage, or preservation fields - are not used and therefore are not filled by the method.
3. Most Common Errors
Error case | Exception |
The accessToken field does not match the pattern “Bearer [token]”. | IllegalArgumentException |
The token provided is invalid or expired. | IntegrationRequestException |
The document list to sign contains documents with the same external reference. | ExternalReferenceAlreadyExistsException |
The signatureType applied to the contentType is not supported for a given document. | InvalidSignatureContentConfigurationException |
The visible signature configuration was applied to a signatureType different from PAdES. | InvalidVisibleSignatureConfigurationException |
The client service has no valid digital certificate configured. | IntegrationRequestException |
The signature request requires a timestamp application, but there is no timestamp provider set. | IntegrationRequestException |
An unhandled error has occurred during the hash generation process. | UnexpectedException |