- Created by Ivo Rocha , last modified on Aug 17, 2020
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The Integration Client component provides two manners to enable your client services a full integration:
As a dependency in a Java client application;
Or installed as a micro web service running in the client environment and exposing a REST API to receive the client services requests.
Please make sure that you have executed the steps in the “Getting Started On-Premise” section in order to have a valid client service credential to consume Sign’Stash services.
To use the Integration Client, you will also need to authenticate your client service using the OAuth2 scheme, as explained in the “Authentication” section of the Connecting your service page.
Component Integrated In Client Application
The Integration Client can be directly integrated in a Java client product or application through a dependency or library distributed via Maven, named einvoice-integration-client.
To add this dependency to your client application, you need to insert the following code snippet into the pom.xml file of the application project.
<dependency> <groupId>com.must.einvoice</groupId> <artifactId>einvoice-integration-client</artifactId> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency>
To use the component functionalities it is first required to initialize a signature service named HashSignatureService. The initialization operation will generate an instance of the service ready to use.
HashSignatureService hashSignatureService = new SignatureService().initialize();
Documents Signing
To request the application of digital signatures on a set of documents. you need to use the method signDocumentHash from HashSignatureService. The following code snippet presents its method signature.
public interface HashSignatureService{ SignOperation signDocumentHash(BaseSignRequest<BinaryDocument> signRequest, String token) throws UnexpectedException, ExternalReferenceAlreadyExistsException, IntegrationRequestException InvalidVisibleSignatureConfigurationException, InvalidSignatureContentConfigurationException; }
1. Inputs
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
signRequest | REQUIRED | BaseSignRequest<BinaryDocument> | Details about the signature request. |
token | REQUIRED | String | Access token required to invoke Sign’Stash API (einvoice-integration-ws). This token is obtained from the OAuth2 server as explained in the previous section. |
BaseSignRequest<BinaryDocument> Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
description | REQUIRED | String | Contextualization of the request. This information will be presented to signers, if applicable. |
documents | REQUIRED | Array of SignDocument<BinaryDocument> | Details about the document list to sign. |
externalReference | REQUIRED | String | Unique external reference id set by the client service. A good approach is to have the service client id prefixed to the external reference to avoid collisions with other external references already registered in the system. |
SignDocument<BinaryDocument> Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
documentRequest | REQUIRED | BinaryDocument | Details about the a document with its content in binary format. |
signatureInfo | REQUIRED | SignatureInfo | Information attributes for the signature to be created on the documentRequest. |
BinaryDocument Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
binaryContent | REQUIRED | Array of byte | Document content in binary format. |
contentType | REQUIRED | String | Content type of the document. |
externalReference | REQUIRED | String | Unique external reference id set by the client service. A good approach is to have the service client id prefixed to the external reference to avoid collisions with other external references already registered in the system. |
name | REQUIRED | String | Name of the document. |
SignatureInfo Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
applyTimestamp | OPTIONAL | boolean | Will apply timestamp to signature. Will use the default system timestamp server. |
location | OPTIONAL | String | Signature location (free text) to be set on document metadata. Support is restricted to PAdES based signature types. |
reason | OPTIONAL | String | Signature reason (free text) to be set on document metadata. Support is restricted to PAdES based signature types. |
signatureType | REQUIRED | String | Signature profile to be applied. Available profiles:
visibleSignatureInfo | OPTIONAL | VisibleSignatureInfo | Visible information to be applied upon signature creation. Support is restricted to PAdES based signature types. |
VisibleSignatureInfo Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
area | OPTIONAL | String | Area of the signature canvas. If not set will default to system settings. Example: width=200,height=400 |
font | OPTIONAL | String | Font style of the signature text. If not set will default to system settings. Example: color=#ea9dd3,size=11 |
locationType | REQUIRED | String | States which type of location strategy will be used to pinpoint the location where the lower left point of the signature canvas will begin to be drawn. Available strategies:
locationValue | REQUIRED | String | Location value for the appropriate locationType defined. Example: page=1,x=100,y=200 |
oneOffTemplate | OPTIONAL | String | If templateType=ONE_OFF, then a velocity template value format must be set here. Example: Digitally Signed by $certificate.getCommonName(). |
templateType | OPTIONAL | String | States the type of signature creation template to be used. If not set, will first try to use service issuer template. As a final fallback will use system default template: Available types of templates:
Example: ONE_OFF |
2. Outputs
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
signOperation | REQUIRED | SignOperation | An object containing the supplied documents digitally signed and the informations about the signature operation. |
SignOperation Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
creationDate | OPTIONAL | String | Operation registry date. |
deliveryInfo | OPTIONAL | DeliveryInfo | Information attributes for the delivery of the documentRequest to a third Party. |
documentList | OPTIONAL | Array of DocumentResponse | List of documents of the operation and aggregated in the defined folder. |
folder | OPTIONAL | Folder | Folder that holds all the documents handled on a given request. |
id | REQUIRED | integer | Operation unique id. |
issuerClientServiceAlias | OPTIONAL | String | Issuer client service that created the operation. |
issuerCompany | OPTIONAL | Company | Issuer Company id and basic info. |
status | OPTIONAL | String | Operation status:
type | OPTIONAL | String | Operation type:
DocumentResponse Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
additionalContentLength | OPTIONAL | integer | Additional original/pre-signature content length in bytes that exceeded the subscribed service limit. |
cipherStatus | OPTIONAL | String | Status of the cipher action (if requested). |
contentLength | OPTIONAL | integer | Content length in bytes of the original/pre-signature content. |
contentType | REQUIRED | String | Content type of the document. Example: application/pdf |
externalReference | REQUIRED | String | Unique external reference id set by the client service. A good approach is to have the service client id prefixed to the external reference to avoid collisions with other external references already registered in the system. |
internalId | OPTIONAL | integer | Internal Id of the document in the Sign’Stash system. |
name | REQUIRED | String | Name of the document. |
receptionDate | OPTIONAL | String | Instant when the document was received in the system. |
signError | OPTIONAL | String | Error code of the signature error if it occurred. |
signStatus | OPTIONAL | String | Status of the signature action:
signedContent | OPTIONAL | String | Signed content, encoded in base 64 format, of the original document. |
storageEndDate | OPTIONAL | String | Instant until when the the document will be stored in the system. |
storagePeriod | OPTIONAL | String | Period length (in months) to when the document will be stored. Storage date limit is computed with receptionData + storagePeriod. |
storageStatus | OPTIONAL | String | Status of the storage action (if requested). |
Folder Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
description | OPTIONAL | String | Folder description information. |
externalReference | OPTIONAL | String | Folder external reference as submitted by the client service. |
folderContent | OPTIONAL | String | Folder content type:
folderId | OPTIONAL | String | Folder unique id that holds all the documents handled on a given request. |
Company Specification Class:
Field | Presence | Type | Description |
additionalInfo | OPTIONAL | String | Additional information on the company. |
auditLogsActive | OPTIONAL | boolean | Audit logs activation status of the company. |
countryCode | REQUIRED | String | Country code in ISO 3166 Alpha 3 format where the VAT number of the company was issued (full country list available on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-3). |
creationDate | OPTIONAL | String | The company registry date. |
OPTIONAL | String | The company e-mail. Will serve for contact purposes. | |
i18nCode | REQUIRED | String | i18n locale code of the language configured for the company. |
invoiceAddress | OPTIONAL | String | Company address to where the invoice with the service consumptions will be issued. |
name | REQUIRED | String | Name of the company. |
status | OPTIONAL | String | Status of the company:
vatNumber | REQUIRED | String | VAT Number of the company. |
The fields non-related with the digital signature of the documents hashes - such as delivery, storage, or preservation fields - are not used and therefore are not filled by the method.
3. Most Common Errors
Error case | Exception |
The accessToken field does not match the pattern “Bearer [token]”. | IllegalArgumentException |
The token provided is invalid or expired. | IntegrationRequestException |
The document list to sign contains documents with the same external reference. | ExternalReferenceAlreadyExistsException |
The signatureType applied to the contentType is not supported for a given document. | InvalidSignatureContentConfigurationException |
The visible signature configuration was applied to a signatureType different from PAdES. | InvalidVisibleSignatureConfigurationException |
The client service has no valid digital certificate configured. | IntegrationRequestException |
The signature request requires a timestamp application, but there is no timestamp provider set. | IntegrationRequestException |
An unhandled error has occurred during the hash generation process. | UnexpectedException |
REST Web Service
The Integration Client component can also be wrapped by a micro web service (einvoice-integration-client-ws) that exposes a REST Interface to receive client services requests for executing digital signatures on the supplied documents such as the Integration Service. The client product or application will need to invoke this REST service to execute the document hash signatures, similarly as they did with Integration Service, avoiding to integrate directly the component.
API Definition and Examples
The complete definition of the Integration Client Service API is available through the following JSON file:
You can download the file and import or open in a Swagger client to visualize the API and examples.
Integration Flows
This section describes the main flows that your implementation needs to guarantee for a successful integration.
While using the Integration Client component, it is only possible to execute digital signatures on a set of supplied documents, unlike the Integration Service, where it is also possible to consult documents.
Document Signing
The following diagram illustrates the actions that a client service needs to execute to request the application of digital signatures on a set of documents.
Each document(s) signature request will produce a new operation in the system that could later be consulted on the backoffice.
Only the operation details can be consulted since the document is not stored either preserved in the system.
TODO > colocar novo diagrama (imagem) aqui
TODO > prrencher tabela abaixo com fluxos possiveis do novo diagrama
Step | Alternative Scenario | Behaviour |
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