Certificates Management

Certificates Management

Sign’Stash requires that a remote certificate is properly configured before being able to use it for document signing.

The backoffice service enables registered certificates listing through the visualization of a certificates table with filtering and paging capabilities, data consulting and editing of details and status, and certificate authority access renewal.

These functionalities are only available for Issuer operators.

How to consult registered certificates

Once you have accessed the backoffice service with your operator account, navigate to the “Certificates” option in the left side menu.


Filtering the certificates list

The certificates list displayed can be filtered by alias and registration date. To do this, you need to enter the required input and press the “Search” button, next the result of the requested query will be displayed on the table. It is also possible to clear all filters with the “Clear filters“ hyperlink below the “Search” button.


How to check registered certificate details

While consulting the registered certificates list, it is possible to check the detail of a specific certificate. To do this, you need to press the eye icon on the “Actions” column of the target certificate.


You will automatically navigate to the certificate details page, where two groups of details are displayed:

  • General certificate information.

  • Access details of the Certificate Authority (CA) from which the certificate was registered.

The Sign’Stash service requires your explicit permission to use your certificate (as described with more detail in Getting Started.

By regulatory reasons, this access needs to be rewed periodically in order for the Sign’Stash to continue to access the certificate for signing documents. This access expiration date can be consulted in the “Certificate Authority Access” section of the certificate detail.

Issuer company operators will be notified by e-mail when the certificate access granted to Sign’Stash is about to expire. For more information please consult Renew Access to Certificate Authority.